HDC Logo

Register a new clinic

  • 1. Welcome
  • 2. Designate a Lead
  • 3. Assign Lead's User Type
  • 4. Clinic Information
  • 5. Agreements
  • 6. Account

Welcome to the HDC User Community

Supporting a network of physicians for the collaborative use of clinical data, the Health Data Coalition (HDC) is a physician-led data sharing platform that enables collaborative quality improvement in primary care.

Currently in use by primary care physicians across British Columbia, HDC Discover provides secure access to aggregated clinical data while maintaining both patient and physician privacy and confidentiality.

Privacy is Central to HDC's Trusted Health Provider Network

The HDC's guiding principles are based in trust. We are committed ensuring that all aspects of our organization operate with honesty and integrity, in accordance with high ethical and legal standards. We value privacy and confidentiality, transparency and mutual respect for those with whom we interact.


We publish the names of our approved partner organizations on our website at hdcbc.ca.


While the approval processes are still under consideration, we expect that Divisions of Family Practice, the Practice Support Program and other QI initiatives, such as Northern Quality Improvement Collaborative to be among the partners that HDC will be working most closely.


As a data contributor, your individual practice and clinical practice aggregate data remains protected and under your control to share with other registered users of the HDC Discover application as you see fit.

For further information on how we protect your privacy go to hdcbc.ca/hdc-privacy